Monday, August 31, 2009

Clay/Materials Purchase and Fees:

You are responsible for a modest $35.00 fee for materials for this course. The materials fee covers the average general use of ceramic raw materials, glaze, firing supplies and shipping for materials used in our community studio.
This fee is to be paid in the Reitz Union at the Follet’s Bookstore by the end of the second week of classes. Please bring the orange ticket to me and I will record your payment.
If this creates a hardship, in that you are waiting for your financial aid check, please let me know and we will accommodate you until you receive your first check. I will ask the date for payment so that this clerical job is not prolonged. Thank you!
Clay is paid for separately. You can purchase premixed recipes or mix from dry materials but payment must be made prior to getting wet clay or dry materials.
If you are recycling clay and are using dry materials you are responsible for paying for the dry materials used. Please weigh all dry materials and be responsible about your usage.
If you are using expensive inclusion stains, expensive metallic oxides, or large amounts of tin please see Ray. The Ceramics Program cannot afford to pay for the cost of stains, coloring agents, opacifiers when used in high volume.
Remember that all materials costs are based on averages. We all wish to keep costs moderate and affordable. If the area experiences “Shrinkage” (loss of materials) all members of the community will experience a price increase. In addition, if there is a question about your material usage your grade will be held until this is reconciled.

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